Poco May Days, Carnival Crew & Gratitude
What a perfectly wonderful weekend to celebrate and pay tribute to all the Mother’s out there!
On Saturday morning the streets were jam packed with families who sat patiently anticipating the great Poco May Days parade which promenaded through the quiet streets in the Community of Port Coquitlam in celebration of Poco May Days.
When the parade was over, our Midway filled with smiling, excited slightly sun-kissed little faces! The suddenly warm and welcome Carnival sunshine stayed over us all weekend during Poco May Days.
What a pleasure for all of us to watch all the Moms enjoying time spent with their children as the children took their Moms for a free a free ride on Mother’s Day.
The greatest glory of the weekend came from the success we had with our Fundraiser with our Berry Go Round Ride for the Relay for Life (Our Ride for Life) for the Canadian Cancer Society.
The most humbling part of the fundraiser was the generosity of our Crew. Our incredible staff donated almost $1,000 this weekend which was matched by Shooting Star Amusements. “Team Shooting Star” raised a whopping $2,000.00!!
Rather than pay for the cost of developing and printing a fancy sign to promote our Ride for Life Campaign, one of our Employees made a “sandwich board” sign and we donated the cost saved from not having a fancy sign ($150) to the Cancer Society instead.
We had great success with our Berry First fundraiser for our Berry Go Round Ride. The profits from the Berry Go Round ride amounted to $1,550.25 and will be donated to our Ride for Life Relay for the Canadian Cancer Society.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Carnival during Poco May Days, and to those of you who took a Ride For Life on the Berry Go Round.
Our utmost gratitude always goes to the Great people who organize this event and in particular the City and all the people responsible for making Poco May Days possible!
This weekend as always we thank our Incredible Staff! You’re the Best!