Want To Do List
What’s on your Want to Do List?
Have you ever asked yourself, When did I get this busy? How did I get this busy? Do you miss the times when you could just sit and rest awhile, spend time with friends; enjoy family time? Why is that kind of time at such a premium now? Have you ever wondered where the time goes? I remember my Mom saying, “When you are raising children the days are long, but the years are short.”
With modern technology, our computers no longer stay in a room on a desk. We keep them in our pockets or purses and they barely leave our hands, for even a moment. With today’s technology, we can get even more done now, to free us up to have even more things to do! I have pages of “To Do” lists! Wouldn’t it be great if we had a “Want to List” This list would be filled with the things we want to do, rather than the things we should be doing.
Working with the Carnival, we are so fortunate to be in an environment which essentially produces great joy. Each day at work we have the opportunity to watch the delight of not only the children, but the parents and grandparents too! I have spent thousands of hours during my Carnival Career watching it! Our media specialist walks through our Carnival looking for these moments to capture on film.
Of course, we completely expect the kids to be having the time of their lives on the carnival rides. But if you want to see something remarkable, you should look for their parents watching these children or joining in on the fun too!
We have seen parents tell their children, “You go on the ride, I will watch you”. The child pleads, “Puleeeze, please go the ride with me”. The parent seemingly exasperated often gives in. This is when we are not sure who is enjoying the ride more – the child or the parent.
My old friends came to our Carnival in Surrey BC this weekend. It was on her “Want to List” to ride our new Kamikaze ride with her son. She came to our Carnival all the way from Penticton to check this one off her list.
This was so much fun to watch, that I was inspired to take something off of my own “Want To” list that I didn’t even know was there! I went on the Sizzler Ride with my old friends. (It’s more than a little bit fun to own your very own Amusement Park! Where you can experience this rush of pleasure on your coffee break!)
If ever you are feeling a bit down and really want to live it up, take a ride on the Sizzler or the Kamikaze! Scared of the Midway Rides? Pull up a bench and experience the journey through the eyes of your child. Better yet, take the ride with them! No matter how old you are, the memories for your kids are forever.
Today…Why not check something off of your “Want To Do” List…replace the things on your “Should Do” list. Better yet, do something your kids want you to do today. You will be amazed how much fun you will have just watching them! Carnival rides… are the best starting point for all of us to experience great joy!
Thanks Eva. I love your “Want To Do” list.