Spring Forward – It’s Showtime!

I love Spring! It’s my favorite Season of the year. It’s full of hope and the promise of new beginnings and a fresh start.

Around our Headquarters the pace really quickens and the excitement begins! We are just 3 weeks away from “Showtime”! Outside the birds are singing the daffodils are pushing through the soil, the lawn starts to green up and grow. Nature too is gearing up for spring after a tranquil winter. Life is renewed!

For Shooting Star Amusements – it’s the beginning of our Carnival Season! We gather up our crew and initiate the plans we prepared during the winter. Our Carnival rides roll out of storage, all shiny and new and ready for the excitement of the children and families who will enjoy them.

For me the opening of a new Carnival season feels like the first day of school after summer vacation. I remember the excitement of wearing my new clothes on the first day and there was the thrill of seeing all my school friends again. You share stories of what you did over the summer — followed by meeting your new teachers and classmates – all with great anticipation of what the new school year will bring.

In the Carnival business, we get back into communication with our crew and we catch up on what each of us did over the winter. We see people we haven’t seen in months and we are all excited for the promise of a new season! We remember the fun we had, the camaraderie we share and the friendships we have made with our co-workers and our customers.

For our Crew – Spring equals Showtime! In three weeks we are back! We can’t wait to see all of our customers again.

What did you do over the winter break?